Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What is water?

Recently there has been a lot of talk over the author David Foster Wallace (DFW) since the biography by D.T. Max, Every Love Story is a Ghost Story reveals many different personal and frankly strange things that you wouldn't expect from a writer such as DFW. One being that he was a womanizer that even said to Franzen that he was put on the Earth to have sex with as many women as possible. Not only that but also there is the whole whine fest going on with Bret Easton Ellis (the writer of American Psycho (note I have to tell you who he is. We see who is going to be remembered in 20 years)) who keeps complaining about all the attention Wallace gets compared to him. 

One of Ellis' main problem with DFW is that he considers him a pretentious dick which is a very ubiquitious argument that to me is faulty. If anyone has ever read any of his nonfiction it is clear that he writes with the utmost sincerity and this is most exemplary in his "This is Water" speech. In the speech he cuts the bullshit that most graduaton speeches have about the real world. He doesn't tell them that the roads are painted with gold and their dreams will materialize purely based upon the hard work they put into things. He doesn't tell them about how great and fun life is going to be and when they wake up they will face the suns loving rays with gleaming white teeth. He cuts to the chase and tells them their once hedonistic and solipsistic lifestyles is not a sustaining one.

Part one:

Part two:

Finished The Pale King a while ago ,but since I have a lot of homework I have postponed my review as well as the second half of my experience at FYF.

About 100 pages into The Marbled Swarm and I am loving and I advise all two of our readers to check it out. It is a very clever little book. 

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